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Buy a Raffle ticket and support us

Jamesbrindley UK Raffle

We are thrilled to be partnered with UK Raffles, every ticket you buy can raise money for the James Brindley Foundation and you could WIN!

UK Raffles wants to help our chosen charity and others, to therefore help our local communities. To join hands to move forward and to try to make a difference.

Thanks so much to the team at UK Raffles for supporting the James Brindley Foundation. Buying a ticket could give you a chance of winning the jackpot and supporting our cause…

The James Brindley Foundation was launched, in order to raise awareness of the need for urgent action, to tackle the complex issues, surrounding youth violence. We are working hard to raise funds, to save young lives, through the work of our independently accredited, James Brindley Full Circle Programme. As part of our
‘prevention’ strategy, we are training teachers, to become qualified practitioners of The Programme, for the long term, so that every school and college, has the knowledge and understanding, that enables them to assess and educate their children and young people, on the key issues of gang culture, substance misuse, child exploitation, peer pressure and violent behaviour.

The Programme focuses on family functioning to gain insight and equips young people with the tools they need to build resilience, in order to stay safe, and through one to one mentoring, where required, guides those at risk of antisocial or criminal behaviours, away from making those choices, that can negatively impact their lives, and the lives of others.

Every day now, we hear of yet another life lost to mindless violence. Tackling knife crime, is a national emergency and The James Brindley Foundation is determined to treat it as such.

Please help us to raise the funds, as quickly as possible, that will enable us to respond to our national emergency.

By choosing to play in our lottery, you are choosing to play your part in bringing about an end to youth violence.

Choose Life not Knife.

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